You may not have heard of calendula oil, but you will be glad to know about once you read about all the medicinal benefits! Calendula oil is actually made from marigold flowering plants, not a plant called calendula. Here are some things to know about this oil.

Calendula oil

Calendula is a Natural Anti-Inflammatory

First of all, you should know that one of the top benefits of using calendula oil is that it is an anti-inflammatory. There are many conditions that cause pain or discomfort with inflammation that can be improved with this oil. This includes arthritis and fibromyalgia, both of which cause more pain when your joints are inflamed or swollen. There are natural anti-inflammatory properties in both dandelion flowers and the calendula oil.
These same properties can also help with sore throats, diaper rash, and ulcers.

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It is Ideal For Women?s Health

Another thing to know about calendula oil is that it is really good for women?s health, particularly with helping menstruation. There are natural properties in calendula oil that can help reduce the pain and discomfort you get from menstruation, including your menstrual cramps. It can also help with other issues you might experience, like hormonal imbalances, hormonal-related headaches, and muscle tension during your period or other parts of your menstrual cycle.

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You Are Able to Reduce Your Muscle Spasms

If you have a problem with muscle spasms, you will be really glad you found calendula oil! This can go a long way toward relaxing your muscle and reducing those pesky spasms. It is the extract of the flowers used in calendula oil that can help with your spasms, including if you have restless leg syndrome that is keeping you up at night.
Similarly, it also helps with discomfort from constipation and abdominal distress.

Your Oral Health Will Be Improved

The last thing you should know about calendula oil is that it can help with your oral health. Proper oral health is vital not just for your teeth and gums, but for your entire body. It makes a much larger impact on your general health than people realize.
Calendula oil is often used in natural mouthwash and toothpaste, and this is because of how beneficial it is for cavities, gingivitis, and reducing gum inflammation from gum disease.

If you intend to have an apothecary or herbal medicine cabinet at home, definitely add calendula oil to the mix.

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