When you start the seasonal yard cleanup, you may come across some weeds that you would normally pull up and get rid of. If you are starting a natural healing kit or a natural medicine cabinet in your home, then you may want to slow down and take a look at the weed. Research may show that you have several very valuable weeds in your yard that actually hold a medicinal value. Here are a few of those weeds and what you need to know about each one.

Medicinal Weeds to Keep in Your Yard

Stinging Nettle

When some people hear the words stinging nettle they think of breakouts on the skin, itching, and rashes. There are some very good uses that are medically beneficial for stinging nettle that may make you decide to keep the weed in your yard. This weed can actually help with urinary tract issues. The stinging nettle can be taken in capsule form to help with the pain from urinary tract infections as well as leakage and other related
issues. Though it can be taken in tea form, the most effective way has been to harvest the leaves, dehydrate them, and take them in capsule form.

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Dandelion is a small yellow flowering weed that can be mistaken for wildflowers upon first glance. The truth is, it is one of the most common weeds and should be kept in every yard. Here are the reasons why. The flower is very easy to identify and easy to harvest. You can use it in teas, salads, and even as a syrup. Not only can it be used in daily cooking applications, it can also be ingested to help with digestion issues. In some
cases, dandelion root has been shown to help with pain, body aches, and in cases of severe migraines.

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Mullein weed produces a yellow high stalked flower like plant. This is fairly obvious in most yards and can be used for a number of medicinal purposes. The primary use of the flower and the leaves is to help with diarrhea related issues that have lasted longer than one day. You can also use the plant for nausea and for help with severe vomiting.
Due to these benefits the weed is often used for help with reducing symptoms associated with food poisoning.

If you are concerned about letting these weeds grow wild, consider this. You can actually easily grow weeds in a controlled area as you would other plants and flowers.
Just section off an area and create a medicinal garden that is full of these weeds. They will be sectioned off and easy to harvest while avoiding mixing with the landscape that you have worked hard to create.

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