Obesity, in the most basic terms, is an excess of body fat. Anyone who is over the normal weight for their age and height by 20% or more is considered obese. This is the clinical definition, and no matter how you try to get out of it, being 20% over the norm when it comes to weight makes anyone clinically obese. This is different from being overweight. Being overweight is subject to interpretation, and being slightly over the norm may be just how you are. Obesity is a medical condition and for health reasons should be treated as such. This is because anyone who is obese runs quite a few health risks.
Those who are obese are more likely to experience kidney trouble, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, complications of pregnancy, and psychological problems. Some of the causes of obesity are glandular malfunctions, malnutrition, emotional tension, boredom, bad habits, and love of food. The most important cause of obesity with regards to vitamins and supplements is the issue of malnutrition. This is because your obesity may be partially caused by your body not getting enough of the right vitamins and minerals.
If you are not getting enough of the basic vitamins and minerals needed to function, then it will be harder for your body to metabolize fat. Taking a multivitamin is a good place to start, because if you aren?t eating healthy, it?s not only the extra calories that are causing obesity, it?s the lack of nutrition in your body. Multivitamins are good for obesity because they are readily available, inexpensive to buy, and easy to take. They also contain most of the nutrition that you need when you are losing weight. For example, vitamin B6 removes excess water. Vitamin E is important for fat metabolism. Vitamin C is necessary for normal glandular function. The list goes on, but most of the vitamins and supplements in a multivitamin can help with obesity, including replacing vital nutrients as you lose weight.
Researchers have also found other vitamins and supplements that can help with obesity. Studies have shown that weight reduction can be improved with the use of the combination of the amino acids L-ornithine and L-arginine, enhanced by L-lysine. L-ornithine helps to release a growth hormone lacking in adults that builds muscle and burns fat. This combination works best when the body is at rest. In the same family of amino acids, L-phenylalanine is an appetite suppressant that tells your body you are not hungry. These amino acids are all available at health food stores everywhere.
Getting the right vitamins and supplements is the best place to start if you are obese and want to lose weight, because when you are getting all of the nutrients that you need, you start feeling better. That?s when you will be more successful at a weight loss plan. Simply cutting calories or going on a crash diet will only make you feel worse and can actually endanger your health.
Once you have the right nutrients in your system, you are ready for a diet and weight loss plan. At this point, you can start sensible eating and moderate exercise. Remember, if do start losing weight you can deplete your system of precious vitamins and minerals. No matter what kind of diet you attempt, always keep taking a multivitamin; because if you are cutting calories you may also be cutting nutrients out of your diet.