Overcoming Autoimmune

If you have an autoimmune condition, one of the best things that you can do is learn how to eat so that you eliminate the triggers that cause your system to stay in a state of chronic inflammation.

That’s not good for your immune system. If you want to look forward to better health, Overcoming Autoimmune can show you how to do that. Most people struggle for years before they ever get diagnosed with their condition only to discover that the treatment doesn’t really help.

That’s why the plan outlined in this guide can help show you why you can’t simply treat the symptoms of autoimmune system but instead, you have to go deeper and find out why it is you have the disease in the first place.

Once you locate the central cause of your condition, then you’ll be able to put into practice the things you need to do to overcome it. The author touches on the different kinds of autoimmune reactions in the body such as those that affect gut health.

This could be something like IBS and the struggle between bouts of diarrhea and constipation. Or it could be GERD. You learn things such as how the things going on in the body often manifest outside of the body in skin disorders such as repeated fungal infections, eczema and more.

You’ll also understand how autoimmune problems can impact your ability to think and can be a cause of emotional disorders as well as allergies. Allergies to things such a pet dander, flowers and pollen can be a symptom of an autoimmune condition.

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So can many food allergies. Women can struggle with menstrual related issues due to autoimmune conditions. All of these are signs that your body can’t afford to ignore in order to get better.

The book guides readers through creating an overview of what their health looks like. You’ll be able to see how a myriad of seemingly unrelated symptoms could all point to one autoimmune condition.

Once you have your health overview, you’ll know how to locate the root cause and how to eradicate it. Once you do that, you’ll understand how the impact of your condition will lessen, how it’ll improve your gut health and strengthen your immune system.

The book opens by sharing guidance for using the information you’ll discover. It shares a symptom checklist for readers to go through so that they can narrow down the autoimmune condition they’re dealing with.

It covers why certain traditional remedies just aren’t effective. It also teaches readers how to prepare for their new lifestyle of healing and freedom from autoimmune issues. You’ll discover truths about why weight loss can help you heal and you’ll also learn how antibiotics affect gut health. The book covers information on cleansing and a 30 day food list for convenience.

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