Women often have sleeping problems that occur for a variety of reasons, including overwhelming stress or hormonal changes. Additional reasons for having problems with sleeping include having arthritic joints or sleep apnea. Fortunately, there are ways for women to improve the quality of their sleep.
Related: Diseases that Affect Women
Coping with Overwhelming Stress
If you are a woman coping with too much stress, then it is essential to relieve your anxiety levels. Stress is caused by several factors, and a lack of sleep will make you feel worse. While you are sleeping, your body’s adrenal glands produce healing hormones that help to prevent stress-related conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes mellitus. There are a several ways to cope with stress, including daily exercise or meditation. You can also visit a counselor to discuss your problems to find solutions for your stressful life.
Overcoming Hormonal Changes
Females have frequent hormonal changes that can cause sleep disturbances. Before and during menstruation, you may have problems with abdominal cramping or moodiness, but you can visit a physician to learn more about treatments to overcome these symptoms. If a woman is pregnant, then not only will her hormones change rapidly, but also, she will experience changes in her body that makes it difficult to become comfortable while trying to sleep. Pregnant women can use supportive body pillows while reclining to alleviate discomfort.
Coping with the Pain from Arthritis
When you have an arthritic condition, it is difficult to sleep because you have pain in your joints, including in your hips, back or knees. If you manage to get to sleep, then you may wake up frequently as you move around in your sleep. Schedule an appointment with an arthritic specialist to begin medical treatment that can relieve your pain along with preventing additional damage to your joints. You can also seek alternative treatments such as body massages, whirlpool baths or acupuncture. In addition, replace an old sagging mattress with a newer supportive mattress.
Overcoming Breathing Difficulties
If you feel tired all day despite sleeping for seven to nine hours, then you might have sleep apnea. Many women have sleep apnea without realizing it, and this condition can lead to additional health problems. When you have sleep apnea, you aren’t breathing properly at night, and this can damage your brain. The breathing disruptions that you have during sleep can decrease the amount of oxygen that reaches your brain. When you suspect that you have sleep apnea, request a sleeping study at a medical facility. If you have sleep apnea, then you might require a specialized machine with a mask that you can use at night.
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